Donations will help local agencies in 2024

SIDNEY — The Community Foundation of Shelby County Match Day is Tuesday, Nov. 28. The event challenges donors of 27 participating organizations to help their organizations receive $5,000 in matching money.

“Even though this is the 7th year for Match Day, we are always astounded by the enthusiasm to give,” said Marian Spicer, Community Foundation executive director. “Participating organizations now come from all areas of Shelby County and I am grateful to each person who gives to make things better in their town and across the county. I encourage everyone to make sure their gift arrives by Nov. 28 so that every organization receives their full match.”

This edition highlights three participating organizations and the projects or programs that Match Day gifts will support.

Shelby County Animal Rescue Foundation will continue improvements to the Shelby County Animal Shelter to enhance animal comfort and aid volunteers in providing the best experience for the animals in their care. Among projects being considered for Match Day funding are shade covers over the existing dog runs and outdoor kennel areas and clean up stations along the walking paths on the shelter property.

Shelby County United Way directs Match Day gifts toward their grant programs awarded through POWER, Student United Way and Special Projects Grant pools. Each grant program involves different volunteers and funding priorities that support critical community needs.

Wilson Health Foundation plans to use Match Day funding to implement increased safety and supportive services at Wilson Health for patients with psychiatric conditions. Patients seeking emergency mental health care need a safe setting where they can be monitored and treated while waiting for a bed in an inpatient mental health unit, or until a safe outpatient treatment plan is secured. Match Day funding will assist Wilson Health in offering an enhanced healing experience for these patients.

To support these and other participating organizations on Match Day, gifts must be made payable to the Community Foundation of Shelby County with: “Match” and the participating organization’s name noted on the memo or in an accompanying donation form. Details and donation forms are available at the Community Foundation website at and by contacting the organizations. Gifts must be received on or before Nov. 28 to be eligible for matching money. Credit card gifts may be made only on Nov. 28.

Participating organizations contact their own supporters with information about their needs and ask for gifts that are matched up to a total of $5,000 per organization. All gifts given on behalf of participating organizations, including gifts that exceed the matching amount, are forwarded to be put to work to grow projects, support programs or buy equipment to benefit those they serve.

Match Day participating organizations must have a 501(c)(3) tax status, and an organization fund within the Community Foundation of Shelby County with an asset balance exceeding the Foundation’s fund minimum. New participating organizations must also have Shelby County as their primary service area.