Thaman’s legacy lives on with historical society

SIDNEY — For many years, Frank Thaman was concerned about how the Shelby County Historical Society could build the financial foundation needed for the SCHS to complete its mission for future generations.

Recently he helped to build that solid financial future by making a legacy donation. This was not some passing whim but the result of a long-time dedication to the SCHS. Not only was Thaman a long-time member, he was also a working member — even into his 80’s.

Well into his 80’s, Thaman decided that the threshold of the beautiful front door needed refinishing. Not content with passing the task on to another, Frank and his son, Steve, and fellow volunteer, Ken New, proceeded to refinish the 3-inch thick door and the front step. The project took much devotion and skill, both of which were qualities Thaman possessed.

Each day that he came to work on “his “project, Frank Thaman started with a huge smile, a twinkle in his eye, and a face that would light up the lobby. Even on days when he tired more easily than others, he was determined to make his contribution through his personal effort at restoring the huge door.

Now his legacy lives on, not only through the door that visitors all pass through, but also the gift to the organization to help through many years to come. The SCHS gives Frank Thaman a thank you for his dedication to the organization.