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The spark in the dark


By Marla Boone

Choosing truth over mystery


A few weeks ago I heard a story of how Charles Greenaway spent his life as a missionary to the continent of Africa and Europe for over 20 years. An account is told of his young daughter with him on the mission field. She became deathly sick and feverish, becoming bedfast for many days. During this time, he was scheduled to preach a special service, so he left her home with family and fulfilled his appointment. While in the service, God moved in a miraculous way. A couple with a young girl just about the age of his daughter came forward and asked for prayer, as their daughter was so sick they didn’t know what to do. As the Rev. Greenaway prayed for the girl, God instantly healed her and everyone went away rejoicing. He gained hope in his heart that when he returned home that his daughter may be on the side of the bed, eating, talking or at least improved from her condition. However when he came home, she had not gotten better but worse. He spent a few more hours with her before she passed away.

Summer is just around the corner


May is here! Summer is just around the corner! How are you planning on welcoming in the warmer weather this month?

A day of wonder to be remembered


What a day to be remembered! When I first heard about the eclipse, I pictured something like the one we had seven years ago. As the days came close I thought of the nearby towns flooded with thousands and even millions of people. Though I knew better, I imagined what it would be like, should there have been a mistake and no eclipse would come to capture the attention of spectators across the line of fire.

What is the missional call of your church?


What is the missional call of churches today? If you would ask this question to 10 different pastors, I would not be surprised to get 10 different responses. Yet, I suspect we would find various approaches to relate a key common core element of the mission, “sharing the gospel message.” We would also find various requirements to the “gospel message.” Hence, the difficulty in the landscape of Christianity today across the United States. What is “true faith?” How is one saved? What is the correct order of events and exactly, when does the Holy Spirit enter the equation of salvation?


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