Minster BOE approves insurance payments, personnel contracts

MINSTER — Minster’s board of education met Tuesday to approve various payments for insurance and special education, approve personnel contracts and recognize student achievement.

School district treasurer Gina Selby received approval for renewal of risk insurance renewed with the Ohio School Plan. She said the cost increased 5 percent from $72,379 to $75,659. Aside from updating values, the coverage is the same as what the district had last year. The largest change in cost is a reduction in the cyber insurance premium. She explained they were able to secure coverage with a reduced premium through a different company that comes highly recommended by Hylant.

Approved were insurance rates for employees next year. She said there will be an increase of 6.75 percebt in rates along with an increase in the single deductible of $100, as mandated by the IRS. There is also the possibility of a partial premium holiday this year, as has happened in the last few years.

The treasurer said reimbursement of special education costs the district have received was $29,503.37 this year, which was 36 percent of the district’s actual costs. Last year, they received a reimbursement rate of 42 percent. The reduction in the reimbursement rate was driven by a 11 percent increase in number of applications the state received, resulting in the reimbursement rate going down.

Elementary principal Mandy Albers reported their Math and ELA Ohio State Test results were received in May.

Math scores included third grade math with 89 percent proficiency, fourth grade was 97 percent, fifth grade proficiency was 95 percent, and sixth grade proficiency is 93 percent.

ELA scores showed the fourth grade had 93 percent proficiency, the fifth grade had 95 percent proficiency, and sixth grade had 80 percent proficiency. She said third grade reading results were not in yet because they were not done on computer.

Science proficiency for the fifth grade was reported as 92 percent.

She said forty-four students have been invited to participate in their summer reading program to be held Aug. 5-9 and Aug. 13-16. Students are invited to participate based on reading diagnostic scores, and there is no cost to parents for the program. Summer reading instructors this year are Kelly Wiss and Melissa Schmackers. At this time, 20 students confirmed they plan to attend.

She said congratulations to Eli Monnier, second grade student who was the fourth quarter recipient of the Spirit Stick. Eli was recognized for his traits of perseverance, courage, and empathy. Eli has shown tremendous growth this year in all areas of development.

The following students were recognized for the Humble and Kind award for the fourth quarter: Myles Hess, Behr Thieman, Lucy Stueve, Harper Schmiesing, Maverick Prenger, Ben Schmitmeyer, Sloane Barlage, Cameron Otting, Lynn Woehrmyer, Zachary Woehrmyer, Juliette Pinson, Isaac Roetgerman, Jon Sextro, Nora Alexander, Bailey Steinke, Zander Miller, Audrey Hess, Henry Bruns, Mason Ranly, and Clarie Hibner.

Junior Senior High principal Austin Kaylor said their junior high state tests scores were “fantastic”. In seventh grade, score averages included 744 in ELA and 744 in Math. In eighth grade, ELA average was 717, Math was 717 and Science was 758. Overall, Algebra 1 average was 738, Geometry was 739, American history was 737, American government was 719 and Biology average scores were 742. Scores of 684 to 699 is considered competent and passing scores.

He said, of the 70 high schools students graduating, 58 received scholarship and grants, 53 went to a four year college, 8 to a two year/tech college or trade school and seven went to the workforce.

Kaylor also provided a recap of the spring sports season, highlighted by the Wildcats winning Midwest Athletic Conference championships in softball, baseball and girls track, along with the softball team playing in the state final four in Akron.

Superintendent Josh Meyer updated the Board on the Strategic Plan that was recently completed by the District Leadership Team.

The board accepted the following donations: $5,879.08 from the Minster Academic Boosters to fund grant requests made by teachers, $2,000 from the Troy Foundation/Minster Community Fund for recess equipment, $120 from an anonymous donor to the Football Coaches account, $150 from the Minster Academic Boosters for the end of year celebration, $1,000 from the Minster Civic Association for the Elementary Student Council, $600 from Bruce Monnin ($500 to the football program and $100 to the Track program), and 400 plus units of yogurt from Danone North America for Field Day.

Under new business, the board approved a $60,000 increase of a purchase order to Southern Bleacher Company to modify the back 2 rows of columns from 6’ to 10’.

Lunch prices for the 2024-2025 school year were increased, with high school now $2.75, and elementary now $2.50, with milk increased to 60 cents.

Approved was a $5,440.04 temporary advance from the General Fund to Athletics, a temporary advance of $13,766.79 from the General Fund to Title VIB. a temporary advance of $4,412.26 from the General Fund to Title I, and a temporary advance of $9,089.67 from the General Fund to Title IIA.

The board also approved adoption of Elementary, High School and Athletic handbooks.

Under personnel matters, the board accept the resignation from Amanda Sudhoff, Elementary Art, effective end of the 2023-2024 school year and the resignation, for the purpose of retirement, from Dorothy Bruns, HS Secretary/EMIS Coordinator, effective May 31, 2025. Also, they accepted the resignation from Robb Hemmelgarn, Head Softball Coach, effective June 10, 2024, due to him taking a MAC Commissioner position.

Limited one year groundskeeper contracts went to Dennis Dahlinghaus, Greg Francis, Bob Poeppelman, Tom Roetgerman and Matthew Storch.

Limited one year contracts went to James Sharpas Girls Bowling advisor and Tonya Niemeyer as H.S. Cheerleading Advisor. Both contracts begin in 2024-2025 School Year and are contingent on meeting ALL Ohio Department of Education/OHSAA Coaching Requirements.

The board then went into executive session to discuss employment and compensation of a public employee and the purchase or sale of property. No action was taken when they returned to executive session.