Jackson Center’s Huber receives AMP scholarship

COLUMBUS — American Municipal Power, Inc. (AMP) has announced that Trever Huber of Jackson Center is one of five recipients of the 2024 Richard H. Gorsuch Scholarship. This year, AMP is awarding 10 scholarships to graduating high school seniors.

Huber is a graduating senior at Jackson Center High School and plans to attend Ohio Northern University to study civil engineering. Huber, the son of Jason and Kylie Huber, is a member of the soccer, basketball and track teams at his high school, earning many awards in each sport. He also volunteers at different events throughout his community, including youth sporting camps, Luther League and Camp Wilson. His father, Jason Huber, is a Laborer for the Jackson Center Municipal Electric System.

The AMP Board of Trustees established the Richard H. Gorsuch and Lyle B. Wright scholarships in memory of public power leaders who contributed significantly to AMP and municipal electric systems in the region.

Richard H. Gorsuch, who was dedicated to promoting the advantages of municipally owned electric systems, was the organization’s president from 1983 until his death in 1987. The $3,000 scholarships in this program are awarded to graduating seniors whose parent or guardian is an employee of either a municipal electric system or AMP, or who is an elected official with responsibility for the electric system.

This year, 18 students were nominated for this award. The recipients were selected based on their scholastic records, personal achievements and scores on a test about public power.